Part of Global Connect’s investment in building a new digital highway, Aurora. Baltic Offshore installed the submarine telecom cables between Sassnitz-Bornholm-Simrishamn and Bornholm-Öland-Gotland, as well as increased the capacity with a new subsea cable between Copenhagen and Malmö. Total length of installed submarine cables is over 460km where the majority of the route has been buried into the seabed by a jet trencher.
The Malmö-Copenhagen route is about 42 km where the cable has been buried into the seabed by a newly developed jet trencher in DK waters.
Scope of supply
- Project management
- Engineering
- Permits
- Liaison with Marine Archeological institute in DK
- Survey with Multibeam, Sub bottom profiler and Side scan sonar
- Cable delivery
- 2 x landfall with HDD
- Shorelandings
- Cable laying
- Post-lay trenching
- Nearshore / shallow water trenching at landfalls
- Future crossing area with 1000 m Uraduct
- Protection at landfall with rockbags
Specific challenges
Permits and marine archeological constraints.
Long shallow water pull-in operations.
Nearshore trenching at shallow water areas.
Cable data
Cable type: Hexatronic, 192 fibres, DA
Total length: 42 km
Customer: Global Connect